This is expanded from my entry to the “SNOW” Mini-Contest on Scribophile
For a long time, it only existed in a corner of our living room between December 1st and January 6th — threads of silvery, translucent plastic running down the branches, increasingly entangled over the years in and out of the box — can one still call it a tree if it’s also made of plastic?
I grew up without snow — many of us do. If i accept and embrace your excitement, will you acknowledge my baseline indifference and occasional annoyance now that the phenomenon has been part of my life and largely experienced from the practical perspective of avoiding hypothermia and slush puddles or slippery sidewalks?
Before the plastic took over, there must have been some kind of magic — what was it? Maybe i’d have loved to know it and share that with the rest of the world also.
I wish you all a Merry Today — whether or not you celebrate it — perhaps you did it yesterday or are waiting until January 6th to be merry? There are many of us. If you feel gloomy or reflective, i’ll accept that as well — be!
Featured photo: snow stickers for a warm globe (Odesa, Ukraine, “Winter” ’19)
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