Fuji & Mika #6 — The Stubborn Face of Matter

A little over a week ago, my friend Fuji challenged me to write a song using exclusively items from my kitchen. This was an incredible opportunity for me to mesh two of my greatest passions — music and adventure!

In the video below i talk a bit about my process throughout the challenge, presenting the results at the end. If you just want to hear the song, it starts at 2:35 πŸ™‚ Enjoy!

In the video i mention my partial update a couple of days into the process, and also a detailed description of my backpacking kitchen — just follow the links to read/watch more!

Fuji and i challenged each other throughout the month of October to experiment with different habits and create something new every week. We made videos describing our process and results and sharing our dialog here on my blog. It starts with Fuji & Mika #0 — Creative October Challenge, where we explain the concept and share our first challenges to each other. To read and watch all posts from the challenge in chronological order, visit Creative October Challenge.

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Experiments: Creative October Challenge; Fuji & Mika

Fuji & Mika #5 — Fuji’s Rising on the 3rd Day

Another quick update from Fuji on his early mornings, followed by another one of his video editing experiments — i really, really like this one!

Check out Fuji & Mika #4 — fiction_Extract_test1.0 toΒ read (and watch) more on Fuji’s approach to video editing.

Fuji and i challenged each other throughout the month of October to experiment with different habits and create something new every week. We made videos describing our process and results and sharing our dialog here on my blog. It starts with Fuji & Mika #0 — Creative October Challenge, where we explain the concept and share our first challenges to each other. To read and watch all posts from the challenge in chronological order, visit Creative October Challenge.


Clips from Gattaca and Only God Forgives. Music: Sleeping Dragon, by Lobo Loco.

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Experiments: Creative October Challenge; Fuji & Mika

Fuji & Mika #4 — fiction_Extract_test1.0

This is one of the things Fuji has been working on in his early mornings!

In Fuji’s own words:

“I have a great admiration for the cinema, sometimes I see a clip, and I want to watch that five seconds over and over and over. My entrance into video editing is of course as a novice. A beginner, as I try to figure out what does this do, and this. I also bring my sensitivity as a choreographer into it. Repetition, variation, nuance, contrast… Always fun to put knowledge into use in new medias. If you are aware that you know nothing, you always learn something new :)”

Thanks for sharing, Fuji — and knowing a bit about your process makes me appreciate it a lot more πŸ˜€

Fuji and i challenged each other throughout the month of October to experiment with different habits and create something new every week. We made videos describing our process and results and sharing our dialog here on my blog. It starts with Fuji & Mika #0 — Creative October Challenge, where we explain the concept and share our first challenges to each other. To read and watch all posts from the challenge in chronological order, visit Creative October Challenge.


Clips from Star Trek: The Next Generation and The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai across the 8th Dimension. Music: periculum, by Kai Engel. “Trippy segments” are pictures remade and remixed by Fuji, processed in Resolume Arena 6 , then exported to Windows Movie Maker.

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Experiments: Creative October Challenge; Fuji & Mika

Fuji & Mika #3 — Mika’s First Few Days

I’ve been enjoying this quite a bit myself — especially the unexpected opportunity to make some music! Not many people know about my life’s first significant fork between music and mathematics 16 years ago (almost to the day) — while i’m probably a musician in about half other multiverses, in this one i don’t even have a single conventional musical instrument at home! So, i guess i’m also glad Fuji asked me to make music from the kitchen πŸ˜‰

In the video i mention my minimalistic hitchhiking kit. My minimalistic hiking kit will follow soon!

Fuji and i challenged each other throughout the month of October to experiment with different habits and create something new every week. We made videos describing our process and results and sharing our dialog here on my blog. It starts with Fuji & Mika #0 — Creative October Challenge, where we explain the concept and share our first challenges to each other. To read and watch all posts from the challenge in chronological order, visit Creative October Challenge.

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Check out my vimeo for more videos from other projects, and follow me to be notified when new ones go live!

Experiments: Creative October Challenge; Fuji & Mika

Fuji & Mika #2 — Fuji’s 1st Day

Glad to see my friend Fuji has enjoyed waking up early and playing with the camera — that’s a big part of what i’ve been enjoying about this challenge myself!

Yes, Fuji, 7:00–Estonian Time, is fair game — this is not a sleep deprivation challenge πŸ˜‰ Plus, it’s incidentally equivalent to 5:00 UTC, which i learned today stands for ‘Universal Time Coordinated’ — quite a bombastic name, huh!?

Fuji and i challenged each other throughout the month of October to experiment with different habits and create something new every week. We made videos describing our process and results and sharing our dialog here on my blog. It starts with Fuji & Mika #0 — Creative October Challenge, where we explain the concept and share our first challenges to each other. To read and watch all posts from the challenge in chronological order, visit Creative October Challenge.

Enjoying my creative experiments and collaborations?
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Check out my vimeo for more videos from other projects, and follow me to be notified when new ones go live!

Experiments: Creative October Challenge; Fuji & Mika